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ratooning and perennial staple crops in malawi. a review

Mayamiko Kakwera,Leah Mungai,Isaac Jambo,Brad Peter,Sieglinde Snapp,Paul Rogé | 2016 | In: Agronomy for Sustainable Development

early storage root bulking index and agronomic traits associated with early bulking in cassava

Michael Chipeta,Paul Shanahan,Rob Melis,Julia Sibiya,Ibrahim R.M. Benesi | 2016 | In: Field Crops Research

microbial quality of goat carcasses in lilongwe, malawi.

Jonathan Tanganyika, | 2017 | In: Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture

milk production performance of friesian-holstein cows fed diets containing medicago sativa, centrosema pubescens, or groundnut haulms (arachis hypogaea)

Gregory Chingala,Joshua Peter Mtimuni, Harry Msiska, Timothy Gondwe, Fanny Chimwemwe Chigwa | 2013 | In: Tropical Animal Health and Production

misidentification of runs of homozygosity islands in cattle caused by interference with copy number variation or large intermarker distances

Wilson Nandolo,Yuri T. Utsunomiya, Gábor Mészáros, Maria Wurzinger, Negar Khayadzadeh, Rafaela B. P. Torrecilha, Henry A. Mulindwa, Timothy N. Gondwe, Patrik Waldmann, Maja Ferenčaković, José F. Garcia, Benjamin D. Rosen, Derek Bickhart, Curt P. van Tassell, Ino Curik & Johann Sölkner | 2018 | In: Genetics Selection Evolution

post-harvest groundnut aflatoxin management among smallholder farmers in malawi

Agnes Mwangwela, | 2020 | In: WorldMycotoxinJournal,2020;13(1):37-43