The study examined the factors affecting agroforestry technology upscaling and identified gaps in scaling up approaches of agroforestry technologies. One hundred and sixty-four farmers in Malawi Agroforestry Extension (MAFE) project districts of Mzimba, Ntcheu and Mangochi were interviewed. Logistic model was used in analysing data from the study. Results show that farmers’ extension access, perceived usefulness of agroforestry technology, main source of income, educational level of household head, and number of field plots were the main factors affecting the scaling up of the agroforestry technologies in the area. Among others, the study recommended that farmers and extension workers should be actively and jointly engaged in the design of agroforestry projects for effective upscaling and that agroforestry extension services should be promoted for farmers to perceive the usefulness of the technologies to enhance scaling up of the technology.