"The Transforming Higher Education Systems project is a stakeholder centered, systems-smart capacity development initiative that focuses on the following stakeholder groups: 1. Individuals: begins with strengthening individuals’ capacities to improve performance in academic roles and produce innovation related to STEM education, student success, and research innovation; 2. Institutions and Industry: strengthens institutional capacity to influence sustainable change by working with Change Champions (CCs) at institutions throughout the HE ecosystem and coaching them on change levers to adopt innovations into their HEIs to improve performance; and 3. Broader Higher Education System: scales capacity development for broader system impact by formalizing The Project consortium led by the Ministry of Education, key higher education institutions, and private sector stakeholders to grow communities of practice via key systems partners. The project will help the higher education (HE) system in Malawi innovate from within to expand the nation’s pool of skilled and employable workers to spur economic prosperity and self-reliance and enhance the country’s resilience to shocks. Currently, Malawi’s higher education enrollment is one of the lowest in the world. With the Ministry of Education serving as consortium lead, The Project will support the vision of Malawi 2063 to become, “an inclusively wealthy and self-reliant nation.” Within higher education, this means focusing on the journey of the student from their first touch at application through job placement. The project will work with key stakeholders throughout the HE system to identify solutions to the complex and systemic challenges that impede progress."